Project R-12264


Next-generation polymeric mixed ionic-electronic semiconductors for organic electrochemical transistors (Research)


Polymeric semiconductors can be engineered to support both electrical and ionic transport at the same time. This extraordinary property is exploited in organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs), where ion migration into the semiconductor channel results in a modification of the electrical conductivity. For applications in biosensing and printable logic, the materials should be carefully designed to afford an efficient introduction of mobile charge carriers by the ions as well as a high electronic charge carrier mobility. Moreover, improving the performance of mixed ionic-electronic semiconductors not only favors the development of bio-electronic devices for healthcare and neuroscience applications but also of opto-electronic and energy storage devices. Despite significant advances in OECT performance, the critical electronic-ionic interactions within the polymer channel remain poorly understood, hampering further progress. The overall objective of this project is therefore to establish robust structure-property relationships for conjugated polymers that are able to transport both ions and electrons. To this extent, the state-of-the-art synthetic toolbox available in the host group will be applied to prepare next-generation hydrophilic polymers and to evaluate these in prototype OECTs. Considering the wide applicability of the targeted materials, this project will move beyond purely academic insights toward economically relevant findings with a clear societal added value.

Period of project

01 November 2021 - 31 October 2023