Project R-12280


Assessment of the macroinvertebrate biodiversity on green roofs. (Research)


Urbanization is a major threat to biodiversity on a global level. Green roofs are widely considered as one of the best ways to counteract this loss in habitats for species living in urban areas. So far there has not been a thorough research in Flemish conditions on green roof biodiversity, this is needed to stimulate the use of green roofs in Flanders. Our study will be the first to give an overview of the total biodiversity of green roofs in Flanders. We will describe in detail the aboveground and belowground macroinvertebrate communities and their functional role. Furthermore we will assess the potential value of urban green roofs for native pollinator conservation in Flanders, we will compare them to ground level reference inventories and our own results from ground level sites.

Period of project

01 November 2021 - 15 August 2023