Project R-11947


Bacterial endophytes of orobanchaceae and characteristics of the isolated strains. (Research)


The research project investigates the presence and role of beneficial bacterial communities in seeds of parasitic plants. Among the wide range of plant protection mechanisms, the endophytic communities have a specific defence and beneficial role for plants. They can improve plant tolerance against different biotic and abiotic stresses such as salinity, high temperature, high concentration of heavy metals and adverse climate change. Among plant endophytes seed-associated endophytes have been shown to be of special interest. The seed is an important stage in the life cycle of plants. Holoparasitic Orobanche species from different geographical locations and harsh environmental areas will be studied. Due to the different hosts, unusual lifestyle, lack of photosynthesis, these plants are interesting and unique study objects from point of view of global biodiversity. The main aim of the project is to investigate the bacterial microbiome in such seeds and to understand the relationships between the beneficial bacterial isolates with plant growth-promoting effects and their role in plant responses to stresses. Besides, the effects of these bacteria on metabolic and physiological processes were not yet investigated deeply. For these purposes we have chosen culture-dependent and molecular approaches that allow to obtain more information about this interaction in cellular, enzymatic and genetic levels. A combination of the culture-dependent and molecular techniques will be applied for classification of the seed endophytes (culturable and unculturable) by using the new strategies to remove the bacterial cells from the seed surface.

Period of project

01 July 2021 - 31 December 2022
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