Project R-12495


"Suds&soda" for an innovative and sustainable water strategy in Waterschei (Genk) (Research)


The project is a collaboration between the city of Genk, Waterland, UHasselt and Breekijzer and focuses on researching and prototyping sustainable water practices in Waterschei (Genk). Water management is a major challenge in the redevelopment of the Stiemervalley, where the separate system of waste and rain water is urgent to prevent sewer overflows in the Stiemer. Within the master plan of the Stiemervallei a water strategy was therefore developed based on the concept of SUDs (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems). With this pilot project, the project partners want to work together to activate this SUDs strategy in Waterschei in a participatory way, together with the residents and actors in the district. This means that water practices and issues are observed and defined from different perspectives and attention is paid to both infrastructural, social and institutional aspects

Period of project

01 October 2021 - 31 December 2023
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