Project R-12612


PROMIPOL: Novel microbial protein-based polymers produced from CO2 and CO derivatives (Research)


PROMIPOL brings together an interdisciplinary team to provide a revolutionary new route for the production of polymers. We will do this by growing bacteria on building blocks derived from CO 2 and CO such as ethanol and methanol. The bacteria are rich in protein (>60% of the dry weight) and whereas it is well known that certain proteins can be used e.g. to produce foils for food packaging there is today no knowledge on microbial protein as source of polymers for packaging or other applications. Moreover, depending on the growth conditions the bacteria can also produce polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) as a second polymer class. We will grow bacteria that are food grade, finetune ratios between proteins and PHA and then extract these two sources together or separately to maximize carbon yields. By processing these polymers with variable composition e.g. through extrusion and investigating their properties, we will for the first time be able to assess whether they can be used for food packaging or other applications. Based on the applications, potential markets will be investigated and the key research questions will be identified towards future joint projects.

Period of project

01 January 2022 - 31 December 2023
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