Project R-12543


Research into and implementation of options for flowing, clean water for Ndhole Primary School and surrounding community. (Education)


Ndhole Primary School, a public institution, in drought-prone western Kenya, Karachuonyo constituency, Homa Bay County, Kenya, is located in the midst of a rural community facing many challenges. One of the biggest daily challenge that villagers have to face is perpetual water scarcity. In addition, it has a knock-on effect on other challenges that the school and community face, such as malnutrition, low school enrolment, poor or no sanitation .. For example, during peak droughts, women and children set out before 4 a.m. to begin a long trek in search of water. Sometimes they pull ten kilometres for water and come back with twenty liter cans for every ride. Children have to come along to help and come home tired. They go to school late or not, are hungry, angry, thirsty and sleepy. This leads to an increase in school dropout and truancy. Children suffer from waterborne diseases and malnutrition. These problems can be overcome through research and engineering opportunities aimed at finding practical and sustainable solutions for water supply, water storage and the correct use of water for sanitary applications and even power generation.

Period of project

01 January 2022 - 31 December 2022