Project R-12897


Marie Skłodowska Curie DN-project "Reworlding", (Research)


In preparation for the process of resubmission, and in collaboration with the UHasselt Doctoral School of Behavioral Sciences & Humanities, PXL, LUCA School of Arts and our consortium of project partners, we continue organising a series of research seminars on the topic of "reworlding" (which is the main focus of the DN-project) for our (doctoral) researchers, aiming to strengthen their competences as researchers in the cultural field. Further, we actively work on developing the "reworlding" approach to design capabilities through conference workshops (e.g. Nordes 2021) and collectively authored papers (e.g. PDC 2022). This preparation is aimed at creating an even more solid basis on which the project (application) can build further.

Period of project

16 June 2022 - 31 December 2022
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