Project R-13618


Online walking tool The Other Space (Research)


This trajectory aims to develop an interactive prototype with a view to a market study for the online walking tool "The Other Space" (DAR): is an online application for collecting qualitative data to support spatial, participatory design processes by researchers, governments and companies. The tool makes it possible to map spatial issues in various ways: indicate locations on a map while walking, assess locations on a map, follow an existing walk and assess it,... These assessments are done each time in a narrative and appreciative way: typing a text, classifying it according to a type of location, adding a photo or an audio fragment. The map can be the existing state, via openstreetmaps, or a map of the future state is overlaid. In this way, "digital valuation maps" can be built participatively.

Period of project

01 April 2023 - 30 September 2024
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