Realization of a high-tech movement and experience lab "Movelab" (Research)
REVAL Research of the Faculty Rehabilitation Sciences (UHasselt) focuses on interdisciplinary and technology-supported rehabilitation research, with special interest in human movement, gait and balance. Their new state-of-the-art facility, called MOVElab, features a moveable platform (6-degrees of freedom) with an integrated instrumented treadmill. The platform is surrounded by a 300 degrees dome with virtual reality (VR) projection. The dome is equipped with 18 infrared cameras (VICON), registering human movement in high-resolution. The data is captured and processed in real-time, enabling immediate feedback to the person on the treadmill and/or the clinician. The VR dome allows for real worldlike simulations, providing unique opportunities to assess the effect of environmental factors on human behaviour. The user-friendly software enables the development of personalized VR applications, which can be used for various assessment and training paradigms. The applications of MOVElab reach beyond rehabilitation research and treatment e.g. elite sports training and screening and evaluation and validation of technological innovations. There are only nine comparable systems available worldwide with none in the EU, making MOVElab the European hotspot for movement analysis, experience and training. MOVElab will be available from fall 2024 and provides a 360 degrees service to the university, partner stakeholders and external users.
Period of project
01 September 2023 - 31 August 2026