IOF mandate PXL 2023-2026 (Research)
The applied research and academic services of 'PXL University of Applied Sciences' (Hogeschool PXL) plays a crucial role in stimulating innovation in the region. We strive to professionalise people and organisations from various sectors through innovative, relevant and qualitative research and scientific consultancy. Our research is driven by the needs of the region and focuses on areas in which 'Hogeschool PXL' can have a significant impact. We adopt a policy that targets both profit and non-profit sectors, as well as public organisations and boards. The IOF employee will actively contribute to relevant domain goals and operational objectives within the PXL Innovation Office (Research) policy plan, in close cooperation with the junior innovation manager, the head of 'innovation and valorisation', the coordinators of the innovation wheels and the research heads of the expertise centers.
Period of project
01 September 2023 - 31 December 2025