Project R-14357


IOF mandate Construction engineering 2024-2028 (Research)


During the last 4 years, the Construction Engineering Research Group (CERG) Of UHasselt has initiated and developed initiatives for consolidating its KT output in a sustainable way. Given the nature of the conducted research and the unique infrastructure of the Application Centre for Concrete and Construction (ACB²), research project with valorisation finality, academic service contracts and licensing opportunities of developed tools and applications are the types of KT output which the group is essentially targeting. In the coming period, developments within the group and on the Bouwcampus will lead to opportunities to further expand the scope of research experience and background knowledge which can be transferred to an expansion of possible KToutput. The IOF-mandate has the main task of further consolidating the steps undertaken and initiated within the previous period, with the aim of increasing the KT output of the group. Furthermore, additional and further actions will be needed and set up by the IOF manager to continue the growth and upscaling of KT-output within the group in a sustainable way. Specific action points are a professionalization of the academic service workflow in the ACB², setting up communication channels (e.g. LinkedIn) on which the research expertise and KT opportunities are presented to internal and external partners and to aid and support the senior research staff at CERG in the continued design and implementation of the KT strategy of the group.

Period of project

01 January 2024 - 31 December 2028