Project R-14164


SOFIA: Self-Powered Infrared Detection for Low-Light Applications (Research)


Near-infrared (NIR) imaging is a powerful tool to access and visualize the composition of materials and biological tissues contact-free and in real time. However, the high acquisition cost prevents the full potential of such cameras for real-time quality assurance in manufacturing industries. In this project, state-of-the-art, vacuum-processable organic semiconductors are integrated onto regular low-cost cameras, as found for example in smartphones. The resulting device will be more than 10 times cheaper than conventional infrared cameras. Hereby, the project focuses on developing and optimizing the sensors towards ultra-low noise. The liberation from an external voltage will further result in the lowest dark current and shot noise, verified by ultra-sensitive noise measurements. Finally, a demonstrator will underline the potential for reliably sensing materials under low-light conditions, as for example the case in high-speed production lines in food processing, pharmaceutics, chemical industry and further manufacturing industries.

Period of project

01 October 2023 - 30 September 2026