Project R-14418


Market-oriented validation of SAFETY96: Method for determining a toxicity and/or growth promotion effect of a treatment or compound (Research)


A fast, robust screening test to determine plant toxicity or growth-promoting properties of components such as soil additives, biostimulants, fertilisers and pesticides has been developed and a patent has been filed. A promising market study financed via IOF CONCEPT identified the needs and demands of the market. We used this CONCEPT study as a basis to define the valorisation strategy and to outline the development strategy. In the current IOF POC project we address the two major market demands that were identified. First of all, further validation of the method to determine the predictive value of the screening test for observations in the field is absolutely required to eliminate current doubts. A second prerequisite is that the screening is representative and reliable. Creating a reference dataset from existing treatments is vital to convince the market according to the companies that were interviewed since this allows them to benchmark their products against products that are on the market.

Period of project

01 December 2023 - 31 May 2025
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