Project R-14498


Innovative Living Lab MIA in Action (Research)


The mobility system in Limburg is currently not sustainable and is struggling with various challenges: poor accessibility of urban, economic and research centers, excessive car dependence, nuisance for the environment and traffic unsafety. All kinds of efforts are being made to make the mobility system in Limburg more sustainable, e.g. through the construction of quality bicycle facilities, conflict-free intersections, High-Quality Public Transport (Spartacus), the development of a network of multimodal Hoppin points as part of a regional transport plan, North-South accessibility to Limburg, etc. These investments in infrastructure should bring about a modal shift and contribute to a more sustainable and safer mobility system. However, new digital techniques and process innovations can ensure that this transition process, which starts from 'hard infrastructure', is accelerated and gains leverage through innovations in 'soft infrastructure'. Via the project "Mobiliteit Innovatief Aanpakken (MIA) - proeftuin Limburg (2021-2023)" of Minister Lydia Peeters, several process innovations, digital techniques and investments in bicycle safety were started and tested. In this EFRO project "Innovative Living Lab MIA in Action", the initiators want to continue building on the established path through the development of a supportive, structured platform for improving mobility and testing innovative concepts in connection with a mobility transition in Limburg. Various digital innovations regarding mobility, traffic safety and infrastructure works are being tested. The advantage of the living lab is that various solutions can be worked out in a faster time span, and that products and techniques can be applied concretely in order to keep coming up with innovative solutions. Depending on market demands or needs, a number of projects can be worked out quickly, and then also be placed on the market more quickly. The goal is to monitor subjective data, perceptions (perceived problems, usage experiences, willingness-to-pay) and objective data on the use of the innovations to improve mobility at the test site. Based on the lessons learned and simulations, a number of evidence-based standard solutions can be automatically provided for similar locations by simulating or calculating the digital innovations, concepts and possible Transportation Demand Management and traffic safety measures (e.g., improving sustainable alternatives, pricing measures, parking management) in the current local context. By means of data analytics and/or simulations, this makes it possible to determine for a given mobility concept which services make sense, how people adjust their behavior, etc.; for different types of locations. A digital visitor center will also be developed for communication and dissemination. As locations for the living lab, 3 areas are selected, namely the 'real-life' environment at the level of Bouwcampus in campus Diepenbeek, Mobicon in Hasselt (network of Hoppin points with shared mobility) and the planned rush-hour lane on the E313 between Lummen and complex Hasselt-West in the direction of Hasselt. At each of these locations, innovative digital solutions are being developed in the complexity of everyday life.

Period of project

01 January 2024 - 31 December 2025