Project R-14124


Advanced opto-electrical characterization and modeling of novel thinfilm heterojunctions (Research)


Given the great importance of device performance in the electronics industry, we see a high interest in studying the main loss mechanisms affecting novel thin-film heterojunctions. We aim at acquiring a deeper understanding of effects degrading the electrical performance of such heterojunctions composed of materials with potential applications in thin-film optoelectronics (such as photovoltaics). To do so, our scientific strategy is to extend and fully exploit, beyond the state-of-the-art, well-chosen, complete and reliable opto-electrical characterizations of the concerned structures, mainly based on versatile admittance spectroscopy measurements, and integrate them in a coherent analysis procedure with complementary techniques. For that sake, we will develop new simulation models to interpret our experimental data and secure our understanding of the studied effects (physics modeling with Silvaco), while suggesting potential solutions to mitigate their impact on efficiency (performance prediction with SCAPS & AMPS). The expected outcomes of this project are updated databases of the main loss mechanisms affecting novel thin-film heterojunctions, associated to specific characterization procedures, refined simulation models and innovative mitigation strategies.

Period of project

01 November 2023 - 31 October 2025