Project R-14407


The effects of biostimulants on the growth and physiological parameters of selected species of energy crops (Research)


Biostimulants are substances that support plant growth and increase tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. They are characterized by a wide range of action, including changes in gene expression, the concentrations of metabolites in plant cells, as well as changes in soil properties and the diversity and abundance of the microbiome. The use of these agents in the cultivation of energy crops in metal-polluted soil, can result in higher yields (which will translate into greater profits for farmers), as well as more effective land cleansing in the phytoremediation process. Biostimulants can also increase the activity of the endophytic and rhizospheric/bulk soil microbiomes and diversify the physiological groups of microorganisms. The planned research may result in the development of a strategy for growing energy crops in polluted areas using biostimulants, knowledge of the physiological mechanisms of action of biostimulants on plant growth and their tolerance to metals (through analysis of the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus and the antioxidant system) and their impact on the composition and properties of the microbiome inhabiting the rhizosphere and plant tissues.

Period of project

19 December 2023 - 31 March 2025
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