Project R-14663


Religion and inclusion at work: Exploring the management of religious diversity in organizations (Research)


Religion and religious diversity remain understudied within research on inclusion in the workplace. Existing research has mainly focused on the specificities of the situation of particular religious employees, showing the religion-based discrimination they face, the importance of managing religious difference and the individual strategies of employees to deal with their religion in the workplace. In doing so, this research has treated religion as a form of difference to be managed, but paid less attention to the normative practices and structures which (re)produce religious inequality in the workplace. To contribute to emerging debates in Management and Organization Studies on religion at work, this PhD aims to understand the way taken-for-granted norms shape the management of religion in the workplace. As some existing research has highlighted the potential role of secular norms regarding religious neutrality and norms on performance and productivity, this research draws on deconstructivist theories of 'the secular' and theories on the organization of work within racial capitalism. Empirically, an ethnographic multiple case study approach will be adopted.

Period of project

01 November 2023 - 31 October 2027