Project R-15181


Engaging with Othered Emotions in Participatory Spatial Planning and Design Processes (Research)


In contemporary participatory design (PD) processes, the emotional dimensions of spatial transitions are often neglected, leading to suboptimal outcomes and conflicts among stakeholders. This research addresses this gap by examining the concept of "othered emotions" within PD, where complex feelings like uncertainty and insecurity are overlooked or excluded. Grounded in the context of urban socio-ecological transitions, particularly focused on the Noord-Zuid Limburg (NZL) project in Flanders, this study aims to identify and understand the various types of othered emotions in PD processes and explore alternative approaches for their recognition and integration. The research seeks to foster more inclusive and dynamic participatory processes that embrace diverse emotional experiences by adopting an embodied and agonistic dialogue approach. Drawing on the theory of affect and agonistic democracy, we propose a research-through-design methodology to develop platforms that facilitate meaningful engagement with othered emotions in spatial planning and design. Live Projects (LPs) are explored as a means to foster bodily immersion and dialogue between human and material actors, enabling participants to co-create and interpret their environments collaboratively. The research aims to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of emotions in participatory spatial planning and design, ultimately promoting greater inclusivity, resilience, and satisfaction among stakeholders.

Period of project

01 November 2024 - 31 October 2028
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