Project R-1449


Quote Research Assignment: "Analysis of the Flemish regulations and practices for the proper implementation of the REACH Regulation, and to develop a methodology and procedure for the optimal response to the REACH mechanisms from the Flemish government. (Research)


On June 1, 2007, the REACH Regulation entered into force. This Regulation replaces for the greater part, in phases, the legal framework for chemicals. The previous regulations on chemical substances was found to be inadequate to detect the risks posed by chemicals. Additional there was an artificial distinction between "existing substances" and "new substances". The REACH Regulation provides a general framework for chemicals. At this moment there is still much uncertainty about the actual impact of the REACH Regulation, this within the concerned sectors as well as within the government. This study-assignment must enable the relevant authorities of the Flemish Region to make the necessary arrangements for the implementation and application of the REACH Regulation and the organization of the concerned Flemish governments. In this way, the confusion should disappear, or at least ought to decrease. therefore one will also have to take into account the developments on European and Belgian level.

Period of project

03 March 2009 - 02 November 2009
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