Project R-2891


A multidisciplinary approach for a better understanding of Air POllution induced health effects: from POpulations to cellS: APOPOS (Research)


Epigenetic effects of particulate air pollution and toxic metals have been studied in an experimental context but so far studies on populations are lacking or in case of early life exposures even not existing. The placenta plays a crucial role in fetal development. In this context we investigate the utility of placental gene expression, DNA methylation and mitochondrial DNA content in association with cord blood toxic metals and exposure to particulate air pollution. With the current approach, we aim to assess the underlying mechanisms of early exposures and to develop novel biomarkers for use in environmental epidemiology and possible future clinical settings. Establishing a birth cohort of this kind is of interest to collaborate with other European consortia on this topic.

Period of project

01 January 2011 - 31 December 2014
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