Project R-3183


Chloroplast proteins and oxidative stress: a correlation in Cd-exposed Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. (Research)


Metals, such as cadmium (Cd), can have a huge impact on plant health by interacting directly at the cellular and molecular level. Plants have protective systems against heavy metals, but a chronic exposure or high concentrations of metals can overwhelm those systems and lead to an oxidative stress. Environmentally realistic Cd concentrations disturb the cellular redox balance in plants leading to either signal transduction or damage. Key molecules of oxidative stress are reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can attack cellular components and interfere in enzyme regulation by oxido-reduction. To better understand the response of plants to Cd stress, this project uses targeted and untargeted approaches to detect proteins and enzymes involved in the response, with special interest in enzymes regulated by oxido-reduction. Particular focus is set on chloroplasts, which are the site of photosynthesis, the major source for energy in plants and the major site of production of molecules against oxidative stress.

Period of project

01 April 2011 - 30 September 2013
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