Project R-3988


PHENOVISION: 'specifications and application possibilities of the Scananlyzer 3D - LemnaTec' (Research)


The Hercules project "PHENOVISION" envisages the acquisition and use of an automated phenotyping platform for plants. The project was submitted jointly by UGent, VIB, Hogeschool Gent, KULeuven en UHasselt. The infrastructure will be placed in the greenhouse of the VIB in Gent. UHasselt has co-applied and is also co-financing the project. Once the platform is operational, the research group Environmental Biology in the Centre for Environmental Sciences will conduct phenotyping experiments to support and accelerate research on phytoremediation technologies and the influence of environmental stress factors on plants.

Period of project

06 July 2011 - 31 December 2018
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