Project R-3794


Research on recycling certificates as innovative economic tool for waste and materials management (Research)


From a consortium with HUBrussel, VITO and UHasselt,we want to investigate to what extent the economic instrument 'recycling certificates' (of the type of tradable rights) can be used for specific waste streams. These specific waste streams are currently a bottleneck to initiate the recycling market or to keep it going. The goal is both the recycling of waste streams as to promote the use of recycled materials, the realization of the objectives of the waste and materials management, and how this is best done. The purpose of this assignment is to explore the potential of tradable recycling certificates as an innovative economic tool, to remove existing bottlenecks in the chain barriers and to promote recycling, focusing on the feasibility of such an instrument at the Flemish level. The waste streams that are considered, are to be shredder residue, hard plastic waste and residual waste.

Period of project

01 February 2012 - 31 October 2012
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