Project R-5057


GREAT : Growing Renewable Energy Applications & Technologies (Research)


GREAT is a European project that is part of the Interreg IV B program "Capitalising on Innovation- Focus on smart grids". Smart grids facilitate the integration of ( locally generated ) renewable energy and the two-way traffic of electricity. In addition, a real-time data exchange and remote management is possible. This way, energy can be saved, costs reduced, and reliability and transparency increased. The implementation of smart grids requires an appropriate business model. A first objective of the project is to accelerate the deployment of smart grids, including encouraging and initiating technological sharing, inter-regional platform operations and support through policies. A second objective is the development of an economic decision tool for analysis and evaluation of economic and institutional aspects of decentralized energy networks and smart grids. Hasselt University contributes in ( 1 ) the physical quantification of the environmental impacts associated with the implementation of smart grids, using a life cycle analysis, ( 2 ) an environmental impact analysis, ( 3 ) an international comparison of regulation and policy on smart grids.

Period of project

01 February 2012 - 31 December 2015