Project R-4052


EnergyNetwork Ravenshout (Research)


EN Ravenshout (Energy Network Ravenshout) is a demonstration and dissemination project within the call 'Smart exchange of energy flows between companies', the first provincial project call on Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency. In the industrial area Ravenshout (Beringen - Ham - Tessenderlo) are different heat providers and heat seekers, suggesting that this location might be used for the construction of an extensive heating network. In EN Ravenshout the potential of a heating network in a well defined territory is investigated. This project seeks to come up with a heating network with a few suppliers and buyers of heat, with a full economic analysis of the costs and benefits, and fully legally described. Hasselt University (Centre for Environmental Sciences) is responsible for the legal and economic aspects of the project.

Period of project

01 May 2012 - 31 December 2013
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