Project R-5315


Quantum Spin-Off - connecting schools with high-tech research and entrepreneurship (Education)


The majority of science teachers do not have the expertise to bring nanoscience into the classroom and do not have the network of contacts to let their pupils meet actual scientists and step into the world of nanoresearch and high-tech entrepreneurship. On the other hand, outreach activities to schools organized by research centres and companies often do not apply the modern pedagogical approaches to science and can have little impact on the motivation of pupils. As a result young people, while being heavy consumers of high-tech products, do not get the chance to understand the fascinating process leading from fundamental scientific ideas to applied science, entrepreneurship and eventually the technological product they use. The goal of this project is to bring science teachers and their pupils in direct contact with research and entrepreneurship in the high-tech nano sector, to educate a new generation of scientifically literate European citizens and to inspire young people to choose for science and technology careers. Teams of pupils, guided by their science teachers, will be challenged to create a responsible and socially relevant valorisation of a scientific paper in collaboration with actual researchers and entrepreneurs. They will visit high-tech research labs and will compete for the European Quantum Spin-Off Prize. Scientific and technological insights, creativity and responsible entrepreneurship will be all taken into account by the jury of experts. Teachers will be trained in international and national workshops to support the inquiry learning process of their pupils.

Period of project

01 December 2013 - 30 November 2015