Project R-5043


Modeling the infectious agent transmission with social mixing data (Research)


Mixing patterns between individuals allow modeling infectious diseases transmission and evaluating interventions to limit the spread of infectious diseases. In order to model infectious diseases transmission, contact matrices are used to describe precisely the age-specific per capita contact rate between individuals. The Comes-F (Contact Matrix Estimation -France) is a population survey conducted in France, where 2033 subjects reported all their contact for 2 consecutive days, at 2 different periods of the year (Winter/Spring). Participants had to fill in a paper diary of all contacts during two consecutive days, with a mix of weekday, week end and holidays. Diaries included information on each contact including age of the contact, gender, location, duration, frequency, and touching. A contact was defined as talking to somebody within a distance of 2 meters, or to touch the skin of a person. Data were collected by IPSOS. The Comes-F study will allow us: -To estimate a contact matrix in France for communicable diseases (through direct contact such as air or skin contact) with a population survey. -To evaluate the impact of season, weather, holidays and weekend on the contact rate and consequently on the spread of an infectious disease. -To evaluate the impact of various interventions such as a vaccination program as well as school closure on the spread of communicable diseases. -To compare the impact of interventions with other European countries.

Period of project

01 January 2014 - 31 December 2017