Project R-5579


ULTRASEAL : The potential of ultrasonic sealing in packaging concepts (Research)


From a business survey (>25 companies replied) in 2010 before the start of the VIS-trajectory "Duurzame en functionele verpakkingen", two aspects are very clear. The main problem occurring during the sealing process seems to be the incomplete closing of the packing as a consequence of contamination between the weld seam or seal. A second aspect that can be derived, is the large share of conduction welding (or sealing) techniques within these companies. In exceptional cases, ultrasonic technology is present. During the VIS-trajectory, the choice was made, among other things, to investigate the permeability of the seal and the effect of contamination on the tensile strength after conduction sealing (hot welding bars). During company visits, performed during the VIS-trajectory, an apparent interest in ultrasonic welding technology seemed to exist. There is limited knowledge regarding its presence in Flemish businesses (compared with the conductive technology). The ability of ultrasonic sealing to seal through contaminations, and its remarkable speed are important advantages of the ultrasonic technique. Aligning the research results of conduction sealing, realized (and to be realized) during the VIS-project, with the ultrasonic research results from this project, will offer another dimension to this research. This comparison and the new knowledge/expertise from this project are supposed to result in a more responsible choice in a company's welding technology. The companies expect to gather knowledge regarding the welding technique for their materials/processes together with information about the advantages and possibilities for implementation in the company process to experience a competitive advantage with this technique.

Period of project

01 January 2015 - 31 December 2016
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