About HyMaD

The expertise group 'Hybrid Materials Design' (HyMaD) focuses on the design, synthesis, and characterization of hybrid organic-inorganic materials and their integration in optoelectronic devices.

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Prof. dr. Wouter Van Gompel

20230905 WVG 24

Agoralaan Gebouw F, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium


Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)

Dr. Laurence Lutsen

Laurence Lutsen

Agoralaan Gebouw F, 3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium

Strategic research manager

How to collaborate with HyMaD?

  • Joint research projects: research and development in close cooperation, financed by a third party (e.g. FWO, VLAIO, Horizon Europe, EFRO)
  • Technology/knowledge transfer: you can strengthen your market position through licensing and access to our existing technologies and expertise
  • Partnership: you can cooperate with HyMaD and use our technology (possibly) in combination with your own technology to set up a new company
  • Scientific services: HyMaD has long-standing expertise in applied and contract research in collaboration with industry
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