Prof. dr. Sara LEROI-WERELDS

Over mezelf

Sara Leroi-Werelds is an Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing & Strategy at Hasselt University, Belgium. Her main research interests include customer centricity, customer value, value propositions, patient centricity, and the customer’s perspective on frontline service technologies. Her research is published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Service Management, European Management Journal and Industrial Management & Data Systems, among others. She published various book chapters related to customer value and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling. Sara received a research grant from the Marketing Science Institute for her work on measuring customer value. She serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Service Research.


Disciplinecodes: Marketing niet elders geclassificeerd (05020799), Marketingmodellen (05020707), Consumentengedrag (05020703)

Begeleide doctoraten


Er zijn 4 onderzoeksprojecten gevonden


Betrokken bij de volgende opleidingsonderdelen

Academiejaar 2024 - 2025

Academiejaar 2023 - 2024


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