Facts and figures

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UHasselt by the numbers

7,752 students

enrolled in academic year 2024-2025

  • Bachelor’s
  • Master’s
  • Preparatory Programme
  • Bridging Programme
  • PhD

(As from October 1, 2024)

849 PhD students

in academic year 2024-2025

(As from October 2, 2024)

1,800 staff members

Academic, administrative and technical (of whom 15% from abroad)

2 Campuses

  • Campus Diepenbeek
  • Campus Hasselt

18 Bachelor programmes

35 Master programmes

including 6 English-taught programmes

7 Faculties and 3 Schools

4 Research institutes

3 Research centres

3 Doctoral Schools

  • Behavioral Sciences & Humanities
  • Health & Life Sciences
  • Sciences & Technology

1,249 international partners

for education, research and innovation

UHasselt’s ranking positions

Hasselt University is young, but its education and research are well-regarded worldwide – with some excellent international ranking positions.

Fact 1

World University Rankings: 301-350

UHasselt is ranked in the section 301-350 in the THE World University Rankings (2024-2025), out of 2,092 institutions from 115 different countries.

Fact 2

U-Multirank: top 10

UHasselt is ranked among the best 10 higher education institutions in the European Commission’s U-Multirank.

Logo QS Rankings

QS Rankings: 554

UHasselt placed 554th in the QS World University Rankings of Best Universities Worldwide (out of a total of 1,503 listed institutions).

Logo Shanghai Ranking

Shanghai: 701-800

UHasselt is ranked in the section 701-800 of the 2024 Academic Ranking of World Universities, with Harvard and Stanford topping the list.


HR Excellence in research

In 2011, UHasselt was the first Flemish university to receive the quality certificate ‘HR Excellence in Research’ from the European Commission. The label shows that UHasselt consciously invests in sustainable research careers for its researchers and pursues an open and transparent policy regarding the recruitment and selection of researchers. Read more about our efforts to realize a progressive HR policy for our researchers here.

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