

UHasselt strives to ensure that everyone feels welcome at our university, feels at home, and can achieve their best. Interested in contributing to a more inclusive UHasselt?

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Inclusion plan 2023-2030

Want to know more about how this inclusion plan was developed? Read an interview with prof. dr. Bieke Broux, Bie Nielandt en Kim Engelen.

Winnaars Inclusiviteitsprijs 2023

Inclusivity Award

UHasselt, together with Het Belang van Limburg, presents an annual inclusivity award. Who knows, you might be our next laureate!

Do you want to work on your diversity competencies?

Would you, as an education professional, like more insights and tools to organize more inclusive education? Discover here the training programs for all staff members directly and indirectly involved in education. You can always consult the presentations from past sessions in the toolbox.


Inclusion is the way UHasselt deals with diversity. Many characteristics are considered diverse, such as:

  • Gender, sexual orientation, and gender identification and expression
  • Age, family situation, or caregiving responsibilities
  • Disability or limitation
  • Culture, religion/worldview
  • Skin color, origin
  • Socio-economic background or situation

Some of these differences come with mechanisms of inequality. UHasselt aims to address these in a diversity-conscious manner, allowing everyone to develop, considering their different starting positions.

inclusion plan UHasselt

To make UHasselt more inclusive every day, work is being done on 5 objectives:

  1. UHasselt identifies barriers and addresses them to maximize equal opportunities for the enrollment and academic success of all students.
  2. UHasselt focuses on increasing diversity in research.
  3. UHasselt aims for greater diversity within its staff and a more inclusive work environment.
  4. UHasselt communicates and interacts inclusively.
  5. UHasselt fosters a warm and inclusive student life.

Additionally, UHasselt is a signatory of the 'Charter Gender in Academia,' an initiative of the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR) and the Young Academy. This charter aims to renew and strengthen the commitment of Flemish universities to gender equality.

Inclusion plan UHasselt 2023 - 2030 Charter Gender In Academia (2019) Engagement statement to further promote ethnic-cultural diversity and inclusion (2023)

Contact point transgressive behavior

In 2021, UHasselt established a reporting point for inappropriate behavior. All staff members and students can report unwanted behavior by a student, staff member, or visitor there, in complete confidence.

Contact point transgressive behaviour students Contact point transgressive behavior personnel


Point of contact for inclusion

Inclusion team

Professor Dr. Bieke Broux is the academic lead for inclusion at UHasselt and chair of the sustainability steering committee. Together with Kim Engelen (from the rectorate), they are exploring ways to shape inclusion within UHasselt with many colleagues.

Steering committee inclusion

The steering committee strives to make UHasselt more inclusive. UHasselt staff can access the full composition of the steering committee via the intranet.

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