How to apply?

Applying for a job at Hasselt University is only valid by using the online application tool. Hasselt University does not keep a recruitment pool for spontaneous applications.

If you have any questions, please contact

Selection procedure

A functional impairment should not cause any obstacle in applying at Hasselt University. Candidates with an impairment can contact Cathy Devos or Kim Vandijck to adjust the selection procedure according to their specific needs.

1. Academic Staff

All received applications will be evaluated by the selection committees at faculty level. After preselection, candidates will be invited for an interview and trial lecture (senior academic staff) or presentation.

2. Tenure Track

Tenure track is a career plan of maximum 5 years for young postdoctoral researchers who aim at a career as senior academic staff (ZAP). A tenure track professor starts in the career stage of assistant professor. After the 5 year period there will be an evaluation based on pre-defined criteria. A positive assessment leads to a permanent appointment as professor. This selection procedure for tenure track is equal to the procedure for other academic staff (ZAP and AAP).

3. PhD Scholarship

All candidates will be evaluated : those who meet the requirements will be invited for an interview.

4. Administrative and Technical Staff (ATP)

  • staff members (class 2 to 5) or executive positions
    • preselection based on application file, in which diploma, experience and motivation letter are taken into consideration
    • if necessary, a selection exam can be held for all candidates selected after preselection
    • a first selection interview with the direct supervisor and one of UHasselt recruitment officers
    • a second selection interview with a more extend selection committee. This selection interview consists of an assignment and a in-depth interview.
    • an assessment center by an external recruitment partner
  • Supporting positions
    • preselection based on application file, in which diploma, experience and motivation letter are taken into consideration
    • a first selection interview with the direct supervisor and one of UHasselt recruitment officers
    • an selection exams which can consist of written, practical and/or psychotechnical tests
    • a second selection interview with a more extend selection committee

Recruitment and Selection Privacy Policy

Every applicant acknowledges having read the current Recruitment and Selection Privacy Policy (pdf, 264 KB). Submitting your CV implies acceptance of this Privacy Policy and the processing of your personal data by UHasselt.

Feedback and/or complaints

Hasselt University strives after an open, transparant and high-quality recruitment and selection process. Nevertheless, as an applicant, you want to report a comment and/or complaint, do not hesitate to contact the HR Department. We will try to find a suitable solution or answer. Please report your comment and/or complaint in writing via We commit ourselves to provide you with an answer within a term of 10 working days.

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