Employees who can be true to themselves, who are seen for who they are and who can grow - that's what the UHasselt Career Center is all about.

A well-functioning university - delivering excellent research and education and actively contributing to the development of society - is only possible with motivated employees who are given opportunities to develop to the maximum.

The UHasselt Career Center is responsible for supporting and stimulating the career development of UHasselt employees, with action-orientedness, solution-focus and transparency as basic principles.

Themes such as competency and talent management, job crafting and leadership receive specific attention. In addition, there is a strong focus on self-insight and self-leadership.

  • Taking personal action
    By means of online tools, employees can gain more insight into themselves and take active control of their career.

  • Career workshops and individual coaching
    Careers are not static: both people and the context in which they work and live change over time. In order to respond to these changes, it is important that people are able and willing to take ownership of their career. Sometimes this is difficult. The Career Center is happy to help UHasselt employees to get back on track. By means of workshops and/or individual conversations, people are professionally supported in the process of discovering, strengthening and/or developing so-called 'career competencies'. These are the competencies that are necessary to find answers to career questions on your own. This way, we help our employees to turn their career into a personal project.

  • Mentoring
    'Mentoring' refers to a supportive interpersonal relationship between a more experienced person (mentor) and a less experienced person (mentee), aimed at promoting career growth and professional development. The mentor starts from practical experience, and is therefore an important source of inspiration and a powerful partner.
    For junior researchers, we distinguish between 'academic' mentoring (= mentoring towards an academic career, by a UHasselt professor) and 'civic' mentoring (= mentoring towards successfully entering the external labour market, by someone from a non-academic organization).

  • Career week
    A 'career week' is organized every year: a week filled to the brim with activities related to career development. The program includes a range of workshops and sessions that allow employees to gain more insight into their strengths and mindset, improve their CV and LinkedIn profile, ask career questions to a coach or recruiter, have a speed date with colleagues, and much more.

UHasselt employees can find all information on the intranet. The Career Center fits within the broader context of career and development.

Career and development

For junior researchers, the Career Center is further enhanced by the offer from the doctoral schools.

Doctoral schools

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UHasselt Career Center


Hasselt University - campus Hasselt

Postal address: Martelarenlaan 42 - 3500 Hasselt
Visitor address: 'Witte Kazerne', entrance through Meldertstraat - 3500 Hasselt

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