Hasselt University has a long tradition of focusing on research careers. In 2007 it was one of the first Flemish universities to sign the European Commission’s Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (pdf, 277 KB).
The Board of Deans of Hasselt University decided on 1 April 2010 to apply for an HR Excellence in Research award from the European Commission. Hasselt became the first Flemish university to receive the award in 2011.
After two evaluations by the European Commission, we are proud of the fact that the grant of the award was extended until 2026, showing that Hasselt University makes a point of investing in sustainable research careers for its researchers.
UHasselt has made the ambitions for a progressive HR policy concrete in a detailed action plan, the result of intensive collaboration between the HR department, the department of Research, Library and Internationalization, the Rectorate and, of course, the researchers themselves.
UHasselt takes these recommendations to heart with the aim of a continuous effort to further optimize the HR policy in order to realize sustainable research careers:
HR strategy for researchers 2011-2017
HR strategy for researchers 2018-2021
For the years ahead, our ambition is to develop a progressive HR policy for our researchers in conjunction with the researchers themselves, the P&O Office and the Directorate Research, Library and Internationalisation.
HR strategy for researchers 2022-2024