Flanders AI Research Program UHasselt

As part of the Flanders AI Research Program (FAIR), Hasselt University conducts cutting edge research for meaningful impact on people, industry and society.

A team of UHasselt experts across multiple research domains has been appointed as Principal Investigator and tasked with studying state-of-the-art artificial intelligence solutions on real-life challenges.

Three pillars form the foundation of this program: research, education and networking.

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Flanders AI Research Program - UHasselt

The Flanders AI Research Program (FAIR) is the first element of the AI Policy of the Flemish government (approved March 22, 2019), which invests € 32 million per year into strategic AI research, stimulating the use of AI in industry and providing a framework for education and awareness with a strong focus on ethics.

FAIR, the strategic research element of this policy, focuses on research of generally applicable AI methodologies that can be used broadly in health care, industry and policy. Three key pillars of this research program are Research, Demonstration and Networking.

UHasselt is one of the 10 research institutes linked through the FAIR network. At UHasselt, we strive to take up our role as innovators, demonstrators and educators through a diverse team of PIs.

Meet our PIs

Meet our Principal Investigators that are leading a new wave of AI research at UHasselt

Dsigrouppi Space (1)

FAIR and general UHasselt events

Come get to know us at one of our live or online events

Contact us for more information

Office phone +3211268776 e-mail simon.appeltans@uhasselt.be Campus office (E104) Opening times

Building D reception is open on:

weekdays: 8.00 to 16.00

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Building D is accessible on:

weekdays: 7.00 to 21.00

Saturday: 7.30 to 18.00

Sunday: Closed

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