Academic research competences - course offer

Below is an overview of the available training aimed at obtaining knowledge and skills which are specifically relevant in an academic context, open to PhD students and/or postdocs at Hasselt University.

You can filter the course offer on the target group and on the targeted doctoral school(s). In the future, you will also be able to filter on the competency cluster(s) addressed (based on the UHasselt competency overview for PhD holders).

Activities are added to the overview below as soon as a date has been set. For activities entailing multiple sessions, the date mentioned in the first column indicates the start date. The duration is mentioned between brackets. All courses are in English, except when explicitly stated otherwise.

In addition to the courses below, please also check our course offer aimed at developing generic competences, our activities aimed at career development, and the course offer of our partners.

Target group

Doctoral school

Competency cluster(s)

Back to the academic research competences - course offer overview


06 May 2024 (1h)Info session reviewing skills (Computer Science)campus Diepenbeek More info
07 May 2024 - 08 May 2024 (2 x 7h)Writing articles for international peer-reviewed journals in the humanities and social sciencescampus Hasselt More info
13 May 2024 (2h)Info session reviewing skills (Engineering Technology)campus Diepenbeek More info
13 May 2024 (1h)Info session reviewing skills (Mathematics and Statistics)campus Diepenbeek More info
15 May 2024 (2h)Infosession on intellectual property (BEW & SES)Campus Diepenbeek More info
15 May 2024 (3h)Info session reviewing skills (Biology)campus Diepenbeek More info
16 May 2024 (8h)Knowledge for growthAntwerp More info
16 May 2024 - 17 May 2024 (2 x 8h)qPCR trainingcampus Diepenbeek More info
16 May 2024 (2h)Info session reviewing skills (Transportation Sciences)campus Diepenbeek More info
17 May 2024 (1h)Meet the jury seminar: One protein, multiple phenotypes: the hurdles of MPZ and CMT neuropathiescampus Diepenbeek More info

In the context of this training, UHasselt will either process your personal data internally (internally organized training courses) or pass your name, surname and/or e-mail address on to the training office (external training courses). Your personal data will only be used for purposes related to the training courses for which you register (e.g., intake interview, sending course material, confirmation of your presence, practical agreements, ...). The processing of your personal data has its lawful basis in the legitimate interest of UHasselt to stimulate the development of junior researchers and to ensure a good skills management.
For more information about the various rights and obligations in the field of privacy, you can always consult our Privacy statement on the intranet. To exercise your rights, you can turn to Finally, you have the right to make a complaint to the supervisory authority, in Belgium called the Data Protection Authority.