
The doctoral schools partner with several other internal and external departments and organisations. Below you can find an overview with links to their activities and course offer.

Doctoral school partners

Education department

Most modules on education are organized in a demand-driven way by the Department of Educational excellence, professionalization and diversity. This means that instructors/professors can 'order' a tailor-made workshop on a specific topic for a specific group of interested people. However, they also have a limited open course offer. These open courses can be found on their website:

Open courses (not tailor-made courses) will automatically be added to the portfolio of the PhD students who signed the attendance list. Acknowledgement of other education courses (digital learning paths, not tailor-made courses,...) needs to be requested through (as described in this procedure).

Research Data Management (RDM)

All UHasselt researchers are expected to adhere to the UHasselt RDM policy plan and manage their data efficiently and with integrity. The RDM team can give you advice on data management planning, policies, best practices, tools, etc.  You can contact them directly with your questions and/or follow one or more of their trainings. For their course offer, more information and registration, see their training calendar.

Most of these trainings can be acknowledged in the doctoral school portfolio (indicated next to the course in the training calendar). They will automatically be added to the portfolio of the PhD students who signed the attendance list. For PhD students of the Doctoral School of Health & Life Sciences, a combination of different sessions (adding up to a half/full day) can be acknowledged together as (half) a transferable skills course. 

HR Department

Hasselt University encourages personal growth and development among its staff by offering a wide range of training courses and career support. This offer is also open to all PhD researchers and postdoctoral researchers.

Acknowledgement of HR or Career Center courses needs to be requested through (as described in this procedure).

School of Expert Education (SEE)

SEE offers training for professionals, built on academic expertise. They aim to create a unique learning environment to refine and broaden your expertise. You can find their course offer here (courses are mostly in Dutch).

Their postgraduate course 'Bedrijfskunde' will be automatically added to the portfolio. Acknowledgement of other SEE courses needs to be requested through (as described in this procedure).

Flanders' Training Network for Methodology and Statistics (FLAMES)

FLAMES is an inter-university training network rooted in the five Flemish universities: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Ghent University, Hasselt University, University of Antwerp and KULeuven.

This network aims to support young researchers in their pursuit of best-in-class training in methodology and statistics by providing an overarching, structural, large and high-quality course offer for doctoral students and young empirical researchers.

You can find their course offer here.

Courses that take place at UHasselt will automatically be added to the portfolio of the PhD students who signed the attendance list. Acknowledgement of other FLAMES courses needs to be requested through (as described in this procedure).

Interuniversity course offer for young researchers

The doctoral schools of Hasselt University partner with the other four Flemish universities which results in an interuniversity course offer open for young researchers of the five partner universities. 


The EURECA-PRO Alliance consists of 9 partners who joined forces to enable students, researchers and staff to study, teach and research in the field of responsible consumption and production with the long-term goal of a joined virtual and integrated European campus until 2040. They also organize regular activities for (young) researchers which can be consulted online.

Acknowledgement of EURECA-PRO activities needs to be requested through (as described in this procedure).

Pitch Please

Pitch Please is een initiatief van de steden Hasselt en Genk i.s.m. Universiteit Hasselt en de Hogeschool PXL, UCLL en LUCA School of Arts met de steun van het Agentschap Innoveren en Ondernemen (Vlaio).

Het wil jongeren inspireren, informeren, uitdagen en ondersteunen om hun ondernemende kwaliteiten aan te scherpen. Of je nu wil ondernemen, gewoon wil uitproberen wat je allemaal kan, je wil laten inspireren of gewoon wil mee doen aan een leuke uitdaging samen met je vrienden: bij Pitch Please kan je terecht! Een overzicht van de Pitch Please activiteiten kan je online terugvinden.

Acknowledgement of Pitch Please activities needs to be requested through (as described in this procedure).

Flanders AI Academy (VAIA)

VAIA is a collaboration between the five Flemish universities. They provide courses and trainings in AI for professionals and researchers in Flanders. Their aim is to unlock the expertise in the academic research institutions so it can flow towards the work force of our society. In this way they help ensure the (future) economic competitiveness of Flanders. With their wide range of accessible courses and trainings, they aim to stimulate everybody to adopt lifelong learning.

An overview of their course offer can be found on their website. You can also register for their newsletter to stay up to date.

Acknowledgement of VAIA courses needs to be requested through (as described in this procedure).

Flemish Supercomputer Center (VSC)

The VSC is a partnership between the five Flemish universities and their university associations. This consortium brings together knowhow in scientific and technical computing (including high performance computing, high throughput computing, cloud computing and data processing) in Flanders, and houses infrastructure in four hubs: the datacenters of the universities of Antwerp, Brussels, Ghent and Leuven.

You can find their course offer here.

Acknowledgement of VSC courses needs to be requested through (as described in this procedure).

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