Big interview: online training platform

01 February 2024 - 02 February 2025
(continuous offer)
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Big interview is an online career platform with a focus on job interviews and resumes. The platform contains video lessons that give insight into common interview questions, types of interviews and interviewers, tips and tricks on non-verbal communication, and so on. Above all, you will get the chance to prepare yourself by means of mock interviews. Personalized feedback on your mock interview answers will be given thanks to the AI feedback tool. Finally, you can build your personal resume by an online creator tool and you can scan your resume in order to receive feedback afterwards. Good news: it is free if you sign up with your Hasselt University e-mail address!

Your result after practicing via the online platform:

  • You know which non-verbal and verbal aspects you should focus on when preparing for a specific job interview.
  • You will feel more confident to present yourself in front of a potential employer.
  • You know how to create a professional looking resume.


Who can register?

  • everyone with a Hasselt University e-mail address
  • Phd's en postdocs who...
    • want to work on their interview skills
    • want to improve their resume

How to create an account?

  • Go to the website via this link
    • click on 'create an account' and use your Hasselt University e-mail address

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