Entrepreneurship: Can I do it? Why would I want to?

11 June 2024
campus Diepenbeek

This event has already taken place.


This session focuses on the personal aspects of entrepreneurship. The programme starts with an insightful session by Professor Pieter Vandekerkhof and Steve Stevens (Co-founder of PhD Startups Europe). They will cover topics such as soft skills, mindset, and about what it takes to become a researchpreneur. Next, several people who established their own company after finishing their PhD will tell you their personal story: Why did they decide to become an entrepreneur? How does this fit into their career? Which obstacles did they encounter? What would they do differently now? Are they still happy with their choices? (Obviously, they will also say something about their own enterprise, but they will not go into technical details or specific research issues.). After each testimonial, there is plenty of room for a Q&A. Finally, Heidi Cardous and dr. Véronique Vermeeren will tell you what the UHasselt Tech Transfer Office has to offer.


14:00-15:00    How to become a Researchpreneur? (Prof. dr. Pieter Vandekerkhof & Steve

15:00-15:20    Testimonial by by dr. Sammy Rogmans (PhD in Computational Science in 2013 at 
                       UHasselt, founder of Tigris Family)

15:20-15:40    Break

15:40-16:00    Testimonial by dr. Kristof Mertens (PhD in Bioscience Engineering in 2009 at  
                      KU Leuven and Managing Director of AgriFoodTech)

16:00-16:20    Testimonial by dr. Tom Haeldermans (PhD in Engineering Technology in 2021
                       at UHasselt, founder of Tom Haeldermans Consulting)

16:20-16:40    Information Tech Transfer Office

16:40-17:00    Final Q&A

Learning outcomes

After having attended this session, you will ...

  • have a better idea which aspects to take into account when considering entrepreneurship as a career choice,
  • know which competences are needed as an entrepreneur.


An important part of preparing for any further professional step is becoming (more) aware of the competences you have developed and/or want to develop. In the current workshop, the following competences from the UHasselt competency overview are actively dealt with:

  • personal effectiveness:
    • entrepreneurship
    • self-development
    • self-confidence


For whom?

  • The specific target group consists of PhD students and postdocs, but everyone who is interested is welcome to attend.


  • June 11, 2024 - 14:00-17:00


  • campus Diepenbeek, B103


  • Registration is closed.
  • There is no maximum of participants, so if registered you are sure to be able to participate.
  • Please cancel your registration at least one week in advance in case you cannot make it (cf. cancellation & no-show policy).

Acknowledged as?

  • DS BSH: category 'career management & personal development' - workshop on career management
  • DS HLS: category 'transferable skills' - half of a course on transferable skills
  • DS ST: category 'career & personal development' - course about career development

This workshop is part of the 'career week' (10-14/06/24). Check out the full programme here

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