When you want to take your career into your own hands, at any point in life, it is important to know yourself. However, it can be difficult to translate your daily activities and knowledge into competences or strengths. In this workshop, by Dr Ilse Van Damme (Career Center UHasselt), you will ask yourself questions like: What am I good at? What can I say about myself based on my experiences so far? What would I like to get better at? How can I talk about my strengths in an authentic way?
You will be handed tools to help you reflect upon yourself, which can be used to document your strengths and which you can fall back on at any point in your career.
Learning outcomes
After attending this workshop, you ...
You will not only reflect upon your strengths, you will also (further) develop certain competences by participating in this workshop. The following competences from the UHasselt competency overview are actively dealt with:
For whom?
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