Overcoming procrastination – getting things done

21 March 2025
Afbeelding Beschr Website Afbeelding Beschr Website


You know the feeling – there’s one thing that has been on your to-do list for way longer than it should take to actually do the thing. You know it should be done and part of you knows it won’t be as bad as you think, but some other part of you seems to want to avoid doing it – even at great cost to your peace of mind, life balance and stress levels. Odd isn’t it, procrastination – we know it doesn’t help and yet, we keep on doing it.

In this highly interactive and confidential online workshop, by Jamie McDonald, we explore the possible origins of your procrastination, from the features of tasks that make them unappealing to your own personal map of meaning, avoidance and concerns that keep the unhelpful behaviour in place. We use this understanding as a basis for deriving effective goals that may help you overcome that habit and get the thing done. No promises, of course, and not without some challenge, but by implementing what you learn you’ll give yourself a sounder prospect of success.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the workshop, you will have learned:

  • A simple schema that summarises the story of your procrastination – the when, how and, possibly, the why
  • To understand and re-cast the meaning you have given the tasks that you procrastinate about – without beating yourself up
  • A method for setting an effective goal to get yourself back into action, based on the above understanding
  • That it really is not just you – by working extensively with colleagues and peers from on real situations that you bring along to work on


This event is a highly interactive, hands-on workshop – we won’t be lecturing or diving deeply into theory. We use small group, paired and whole group discussions to review a range of focused, structured activities and reflective exercises that raise fundamental aspects of procrastination. There is no role play, and we ask participants to apply what they are learning to genuine situations, to make things practical, useful and personal, as well as enjoyable and informal. Models and personal experience are the foundation of the programme. Please come along ready to reflect, to contribute and to practice.


An important part of preparing for any further professional step is becoming (more) aware of the competences you have developed and/or want to develop. In the current workshop, the following competences from the UHasselt competency overview are actively dealt with:

Intellectual competences: Problem solving

  • Personal effectiveness:
    • responsibility
    • self-development
    • stress management
  • Task-orientedness:
    • organization and coordination
    • result orientedness
  • Intellectual competences:
    • problem solving


For whom?

  • PhD students & postdocs -  24 places available

When & where?

  • March 21, 09:30-12:30
  • Online


Come along with two or three specific procrastination situations to work on. These should be things you are happy to work on and chat about during the workshop with other participants.

During the workshop, the online note-taking package, Padlet will be used – and the calls will be on Zoom. Please familiarise yourself with these packages before coming. Specifically, the desktop app for Zoom is better than the mobile and web-based versions.


  • Registration is possible via this link from January 16 until March 2, 2025.
  • As places are limited, registering does not automatically imply that you will be able to participate. You will be notified by email after the registration deadline has passed.
  • Please cancel your registration at least one week in advance in case you cannot make it (cf. cancellation & no-show policy).

Acknowledged as?

  • DS BSH: category 'career management & personal development' - session aimed at personal development
  • DS ST: category 'career management & personal development' - course/session about career or personal development
  • DS HLS: category 'transferable skills' - half of a transferable skills course

What others say

You gain insights in your own patterns and causes of procrastination, while feeling supported by the trainer and the other peers following the course.
(participant in 2024)
The training felt very comforting and insightful. Jamie really stressed that we should not feel guilty and he focused on how to tackle the procrastination issue by diving deeper into the root causes. It was nice to 'be forced' to take the time to really think about the underlying thoughts and emotions of the things we are putting of most. Gaining a better understanding in these drivers helped me to finding potential solutions/actions/plans to tackle the issue. Now it will be up to me to practice what Jamie preached, but I'm sure that it can be very helpful!
(participant in 2024)
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