Personal time management - 2023

28 April 2023 - 10 May 2023
(8h + 4h)
campus Diepenbeek

This event has already taken place.


Do you feel like you are juggling multiple projects and tasks, more than you can handle at the same time? Do you often start with a plan to get your big project moving forward, but then things happen and you end up with less than the ideal amount of time to get it done? Do you lack structure and focus to identify the key priorities or feel that the task ahead is impossibly large?

In this time management course you will learn how your mind works and how you can develop habits that create focus and getting things done. We will look at the big picture, work life balance and hands on tools on optimizing your workflow. This course teaches you how to improve your personal effectiveness. It leverages several models and insights from scientific literature. During the workshop you will put these models into practice based on your priorities, agenda, to-do lists... Together we will focus on how to: grow your personal circle; grow with the end in mind and grow with focus.

The training will be a live training, where you will be putting theoretical models in practice, starting on your own to-do list and agenda. The focus is on your expectations, your questions and your needs. You will be doing the work, via individual exercises, small group exercises and action planning.

This training is the 1 day version of the 'Grow your Self-Leadership' training, so if you followed that training in the past, this will repeat previous training content.

Learning outcomes

After having attended this workshop, you will be able to...

  • identify moments of personal choice,
  • increase your personal effectiveness,
  • set clear personal long and short term goals,
  • create habits and a plan, to overcome procrastination, driving your focus to your goals,
  • go from theory to practice, identify key hurdles to put things into practice,
  • go from process goals to effective habit building,
  • identify a better email routine.


An important part of preparing for any further professional step is becoming (more) aware of the competences you have developed and/or want to develop. In the current workshop, the following competences from the UHasselt competency overview are actively dealt with:

  • personal effectiveness:
    • self-development
    • self-confidence
  • task-orientedness:
    • organisation and coordination
    • progress monitoring
    • result-orientedness


For whom?

  • PhD students & postdocs
  • 16 places available

When and where?

  • April 28 (09:00-17:00) & May 10, 2023 (13:00-17:00)
  • Location: campus Diepenbeek, building D, room A4


Before the training, participants will be asked to share their learning objectives for the training and complete an online strengths finder assessment.


  • Registration is closed since March 26, 2023.
  • As places are limited, registering does not automatically imply that you will be able to participate. You will be notified by email after the registration deadline has passed.
  • Please cancel your registration at least one week in advance in case you cannot make it (cf. cancellation & no-show policy).

Acknowledged as?

  • DS BSH: category 'research management & communication skills' - workshop on general research skills
  • DS HLS: category 'transferable skills' - compulsory elective course
  • DS ST: category 'research management' - course aimed at developing general research skills

As a professional procrastinator, I was looking for a course to overcome procrastination, to more efficiently plan my work and free time. In this course, many tools were provided to do so, allowing me to find my own way to manage my time better. Some tools I even use daily from now on! I would definitely recommend this course to people in need of some structure in their time!
(participant in 2023)
This training was very useful and really stimulated discussions with other PhD candidates that lead to many new ideas for personal planning.
(participant in 2023)
Very interesting and inspirational.
(participant in 2022)
Back to the Generic competences - course offer overview