Social support

Charter PhD candidate - PhD supervisor

This charter describes the roles and responsibilities of (co)supervisors and PhD candidates. It can be considered a declaration of intent, to be endorsed and implemented by both parties. In addition, it can be used as a tool to discuss mutual expectations, both at the start of the PhD and throughout, with the joint goal of finishing the PhD successfully and within the postulated time period.

Buddy trajectory

Doing a PhD can be fun and hard at the same time. When you start a PhD, it can be hard to find all relevant and useful information by yourself. During a PhD, everyone experiences ups and downs and everyone needs to tackle problems. These problems can be surprisingly similar for different people. Let it be clear: you are all in the same boat.

PhD trajectories also contain lonely moments; some more than others. To prevent psychological distress and mental health issues (which PhD students seem to be more vulnerable to than others), it is good to have someone to fall back on. Everyone needs someone to talk to from time to time. Talking to a more experienced colleague can be especially useful and reassuring.

For these reasons, there is a buddy trajectory for PhD students. Junior buddies are starting PhD students. Senior buddies are PhD students from their second year on.

The buddy trajectory can be whatever you make of it. It can be just one meeting with Q&A with respect to practical issues. But buddies may also talk about what it means to be a PhD student, which difficulties or pitfalls one can be confronted with, professional goals, etc. There are no explicit rules. Respect, confidentiality and professionalism are considered self-evident.

How to get started?

If you are interested in the buddy trajectory (as junior or senior buddy), please note that you can apply here for academic year 2024-2025:

  • If you are a newly enrolled PhD student and you would like to get a senior buddy (and thus be a junior buddy yourself), please complete this form by November 6, 2024.
  • If you are willing to be a senior buddy, please complete this form by November 6, 2024.

What's next?

  • The doctoral schools team will carefully pair junior and senior buddies, taking your preferences into account to the fullest extent possible. You'll receive your buddy's name no later then the end of November 2024.
  • All buddies will receive a lunch voucher, for a first introductory lunchmeeting at one of the university restaurants.
  • Stay tuned for a social activity for buddies organised by the Doctoral Schools in Spring 2025. Details will be sent via email.

Questions or concerns?

If you have any questions or need further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

We look forward to seeing you thrive in your PhD journey with the support of the buddy trajectory!

Let's build a strong PhD community together!

What others say?

"I think that joining the buddy trajectory in the first year of my PhD has been very useful. It was a great opportunity to get to know somebody who is a bit more ahead of me in her PhD timeline and who could give me a little extra support from a peer perspective. It is also definitely a great way to make new friends and able to feel part of the local PhD community faster and easier." (junior buddy in 2023-2024)

"This was a great experience!" (junior buddy in 2023-2024)

"I know how it feels to be new and lost with all the information around, and it's always nice to have someone that would help or guide you during the first year of the PhD." (senior buddy in 2023-2024)

PhD Reflect & Connect

Pursuing a PhD is undeniably challenging and requires serious dedication. There's no doubt about that.

However, everyone needs to relax from time to time. It’s also important to connect with others who are in the same situation to gain social support during stressful periods.

The doctoral schools at UHasselt are here to assist you. While we already provide a wide range of engaging courses and workshops, we want to offer more. How about treating you to some drinks?

Since the academic year 2014-2015, we have been organizing two editions of 'PhDrinks' each year. This initiative is now being rebranded as 'PhD Reflect & Connect', a social event with an informative touch. The first part of the event offers valuable information (food for the mind), followed by a reception where you can mingle and get to know each other (food for the soul).

The last edition of PhD Reflect & Connect took place on November 26, 2024.

Past editions:

  1. November 21, 2014 - launch of the project
  2. April 24, 2015 - workshop 'Selling myself during a job interview'
  3. October 23, 2015 - testimonies with respect to international and intersectoral mobility
  4. April 15, 2016 - workshop on networking through social media
  5. December 16, 2016 - interactive lecture 'Your awesome research, explained clearly'
  6. April 21, 2017 - interactive lecture 'Pleasure at work'
  7. May 18, 2018 - interactive lecture 'How to stay sane during your PhD'
  8. Sept 14, 2018 - interactive business theatre 'Not like that, like this... Better networking'
  9. April 26, 2019 - lecture on happiness & happiness at work by the renowned Leo Bormans
  10. November 29, 2019 - interactive lecture ‘Round about, connection when communication jams'
  11. April 30, 2021 - online lecture 'Putting the oxygen mask on yourself first'
  12. April 29, 2022 - interactive theatre 'The mailman always thinks twice'
  13. September 30, 2022 - interactive lecture 'Discover yourself - a journey to discover your true self and the world around you'
  14. December 09, 2022 - talks and testimonials on ‘The added value of internationalisation during and after a PhD'
  15. June 29, 2023 - interactive lecture 'Metaverse applications: blending business and research for new opportunities'
  16. December 08, 2023 - lecture 'Embracing your agency for change: Finding joy in the pursuit of a better world'
  17. March 22, 2024 - lecture 'Intercultural communication/cooperation'

Psychosocial well-being & ombuds service

During a PhD project, numerous difficulties and obstacles may arise. If the smooth progress of the PhD trajectory or the working relationship between the PhD student and the promoter is disturbed, both the PhD student and the promoter can appeal to the ombudsperson for PhD students in an attempt to get the PhD project back on track.

A full overview of the supportive services is available here.

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