

Hasselt University identifies as a civic institution, fully embracing its responsibilities, actively engaging with society and using its expertise to contribute positively to the community it serves. The university aligns its education, research and services with the challenges and opportunities that arise within society. Sustainability is at the core of all its activities, from education and research to campus development and overall growth.

To define sustainability, we emphasize that something is considered sustainable when it is both ecologically and socially sustainable, locally and globally, for current and future generations:

  • Ecological sustainability: Respecting the planet's limits by addressing issues such as climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, resource consumption, and conservation.

  • Social sustainability: Ensuring a high quality of life for all by addressing inequality, poverty, health, fair work, human rights, and healthy living environments.

  • Economic sustainability: Measuring economic performance based on how well it meets human needs without exceeding the Earth's ecological limits.

To explore this further, we've curated a selection of insightful web pages on the topic:

Sustainability @ UHasselt

Onderwijsbeleidsplan 2022-2029 - 'Duurzaamheid' als één van vier strategische thema's

Doctoral schools course: 'Does science need a friend? A mindful/mindset perspective on sustainability' - 30/09-19/12/24

EURECA-PRO - The European University on Responsible Consumption and Production

Belgian sustainability community - The Shift