Our alliance

Responsible consumption and production

Through its interdisciplinary and international approach, EURECA-PRO contributes to the highly topical issue of Sustainable Consumption and Production under the umbrella of Sustainable Development Goal 12.

By 2040, EURECA-PRO aims to become the global educational core hub and interdisciplinary leader in the field of responsible consumption and production, fostering a prosperous societal development and a healthy economy.

“UHasselt is a perfect fit with the EURECA-PRO vision. Sustainability runs as a central thread through our research programmes while inclusivity, life-long learning and internationalization reside at the heart of who we are as UHasselt. To us, EURECA-PRO felt like coming home.”

Bernard Vanheusden, Rector UHasselt, April 2022

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a university with a European mindset

Inclusive Education

As a European University, EURECA-PRO strives to include all students and researchers from different cultural, ethnic and social backgrounds. We believe a sustainable future starts by recognizing everyone's individual strengths and equal participation.

Borderless Education

One of our main goals is to increase our students and researchers mobility across Europe. Not only do we encourage everyone to explore our alliance and the different cultures that come along with it, we also aim to provide flexible online education.

Future-oriented Education

Our world is constantly evolving, which is why we aim for education and research that is innovative, out-of-the-box and future-oriented. Let's evaluate our way of living wit a civic mindset and search for ways to do things more sustainably.

Interdisciplinary Education

We believe the best experts are those who have knowledge of the world around and relating to their field. To improve these interdisciplinary skills we go across borders to encourage joint research and education.

Our EURECA-PRO partner universities

The EURECA-PRO alliance is built out of 9 like-minded European universities with a focus on responsible consumption and production. Each university plays a prominent role due to their added value and specialty relating these ecological issues.