School of Transportation Sciences

In the transportation sciences programme, you will delve into the fascinating, complex and ever-changing relationship between people, society and transport modes. You will identify multifaceted transportation challenges, investigate them and work out solutions. You will work on improving transportation in a creative and innovative way.

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For students

We offer a full-time on-campus 2-year Master of Transportation Sciences programme, where students can choose between 2 specialisations: Traffic Safety or Transport Policy and Planning. In the 2nd master year, students can choose to do an internship to gain hands-on experience in the field of transportation or opt for an alternative set of courses instead.

We also have 10 ICP scholarships per year, sponsored by VLIR-UOS for excellent students from developing countries who wish to obtain a Master of Transportation Sciences degree, with a specialisation in Traffic Safety to improve the traffic safety situation in their home countries.

For professionals working in the field of transportation we also offer a part-time master of Transportation Sciences by distance learning. This programme has a fixed curriculum that combines courses of both specialisations.

You can find more information about our master programmes through the links below

Our unique educational model

  • Unique training with lots of variety
  • Doing and experiencing
  • Up-to-date and future-oriented
  • Pushing back frontiers
  • Job security

Going abroad

Enrich your studies in transportation sciences with an unforgettable international experience! Explore the world while combining your passion for transportation with boundless learning. Our programme offers unique opportunities to broaden your horizons, embrace cultural diversity and gain valuable insights into global transportation issues.

Step outside your comfort zone, immerse yourself in new cultures and enhance your academic skills while meeting transportation experts from other countries.

An international experience offers you the chance to experience personal growth. It requires adaptability, independence and resilience - qualities that are essential in an ever-changing world. It is an adventure that will enrich you not only professionally, but also on a personal level.

In your first master year, you will be informed about the possibility of doing an internship in your 2nd year. If so desired, you can also look for an internship abroad to widen your horizons.

Explore our international opportunities

Vacancies for students

UHasselt's employment department uses the Jobteaser Career Center platform to announce internal and external (student) jobs.

Register with your student email to gain access to this exclusive platform. Once your profile is complete, you can apply directly for the vacancies that interest you.

English speaking Transportation sciences students can do a targeted search for suitable vacancies by choosing "school voor mobiliteitswetenschappen" and "English speaking" in the "tag" filter.

More information and a complete guide can be found in your student file. All legal information can be found via the Jobteaser website.

Go to Jobteaser
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For distance learning students

The distance learning master is designed to cater to the needs of working professionals from all over the world seeking flexibility without compromising the quality of education. Through a blend of online course material, interactive online sessions and online evaluations students can study completely from home at their own pace.

Various evaluation methods are used in the distance learning master. Assignments have to be uploaded in Blackboard, oral exams are done online through google meet while written exams are done with invigilation through Proctor Exam. More info on the online exam system (e.g. which hardware and software students should have to take part in the online exams) can be found here:

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For alumni

After graduation, we like to keep in touch with our alumni!

Your university experience does not end with your graduation; it is a lifelong journey that continues to evolve. Stay connected with your alma mater and discover a world of opportunities for alumni.

Why keep in touch? Simply because our university community offers a wealth of opportunities for former students. Discover networking events, workshops, and inspiring lectures specially designed to help you advance in your career and personal development.

By staying connected, you will stay up to date with cutting-edge research, innovations and the latest news from campus. You remain part of a vibrant community that continues to support your growth and success even after you leave the university benches.

Alumni database

Graduates at UHasselt can manage their alumni file themselves. Make sure your details are correct and up to date in this database (especially your contact and employment details), so we can contact you in case of important announcements.

Go to the alumni database

Alumni association

After graduation, students automatically become members of Mobilumni, the alumni association of the School of Transportation Sciences. Mobilumni organises alternating educational and fun events for its alumni on a regular basis. These are announced on the Mobilumni facebook page. So make sure you join this facebook page to stay informed about new events. Past events have included construction site visits, lectures/debates about specific topics, an anti-skid course, a paintball activity and a barbecue.

If you have suggestions for a next alumni activity or if you would like to join the Mobilumni board, send an email to

Go to the facebook page of Mobilumni

Vacancies for alumni

English speaking transportation sciences alumni can access the Jobteaser platform via the alumni database job (or surf to

  1. Go to the alumni database
  2. Create an account on jobteaser
  3. When you have created an account, you can log in to Jobteaser with your email address through the green login button "Login with your UHasselt account"

You can search specifically for suitable vacancies by choosing "school voor mobiliteitswetenschappen" and "English speaking" in the filter "tag".

If there is a vacancy in your organisation that may be of interest to our students or alumni, you can email this to, or post the vacancy yourself on the Jobteaser platform (see info on this in the section "for external organisations").

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For external organisations

As a programme, we constantly strive to improve our curriculum to provide our students with a deep understanding and practical experience within the ever-evolving transportation sector. To achieve this, we strongly believe in the value of collaboration with professionals in the field who face challenges and innovations in mobility on a daily basis. Your practical experience and in-depth knowledge are invaluable to our students. By working together, we can bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical applications, exposing our students to real-world scenarios and solutions.

We would like to invite you to submit proposals that can be used within our bachelor/master in transportation sciences. Possible areas of cooperation could include: proposing topics for case studies or bachelor's theses, offering internships where students can gain valuable hands-on experience in an organisation, giving guest lectures where your expertise can be shared with our students, or organising field trips to organisations or projects that offer a direct view on innovative transportation solutions.

Furthermore, companies can also contact us to share vacancies that are suitable for our students and/or alumni.

Your input will not only enrich our students, but will also strengthen the link between academia and the professional field. Together, we can further develop transportation sciences and contribute to the future of transportation.

We look forward to working with you and making a difference in the education of future transportation experts.

You can find more information on this below.

Submit topics

External organisations can submit topics that can be chosen by our students as part of their master programme via a topics form. In this form, you can submit topics for transportation sciences students in the context of an internship or you can propose to give guest lectures within our master programme or propose company visits to your organisation by our students.

If you would like to submit one or more proposals, you can do so below. You can submit up to 3 topics per form. If you want to submit a higher number of topics, you can fill in several forms.

We cannot guarantee that all proposals will be retained/selected, but will make use of the suggestions given where possible.

Thank you in advance for your input!

Use this form to submit up to 3 topics

Share vacancies

Companies or organisations that have suitable vacancies for our students or alumni can send an email with the vacancy to or post it themselves on the Jobteaser platform.

As an organisation, you can post your vacancies on this platform for free. Prior to publication, all content is validated by UHasselt. When posting the vacancy on this platform, it is best to select the correct tags to attract the right profile for the vacancy. This increases the visibility of your vacancy within the suitable faculty. For vacancies for students and/or alumni of transportation sciences, use the tag "School voor mobiliteitswetenschappen". If the vacancy is suitable for English- speaking students, also select the tag "English speaking".

Apart from regular jobs, you can also announce student jobs in this platform.

When logging in, you will find more explanation, about the functionality and benefits of using Jobteaser.

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Our research

The Transportation Research Institute (IMOB) conducts research within the fields of transportation and road safety, focusing on travel behaviour. We do this by studying the interaction between behaviour, infrastructure and technology. That interaction is complex, but the resulting insights enable us to predict mobility flows and make traffic safer. Within this focus, there are interfaces with other disciplines such as health, climate and tourism. For this, we use numerous tools, including in-house developed data models, driving simulators and drones.

More info about the Transportation Research Institute (IMOB)

Contact and location

  • Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt
    • The majority of lectures take part in the class rooms of the Law Faculty (Faculteit Rechten, FR).
  • Maastrichterstraat 100, 3500 Hasselt
    • Certain project-based teaching activities take place at the White Barracks of the Herkenrode site.
  • Agoralaan, Building D, 3590 Diepenbeek
    • A limited number of course units from the bachelor's programme and some elective course units, arranged by other faculties are organized at campus Diepenbeek.
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