Urban Mining workshop

10 May 2023
14:00 - 16:30
Agora, campus Diepenbeek

This event has already taken place.

Foto Lapjedeken Urbanminingworkshop

On Wednesday, May 10, the ACTIVE8 Planet team is hosting a unique Urban mining workshop that you don't want to miss!

Urban mining is the process of reusing materials from urban waste to make something new. During this workshop we will make warm blankets from old textiles (such as sheets, clothes and curtains) that would otherwise end up in landfills. This way we will give these materials a second life. Bring any old or worn textiles you can miss, and together we will make something beautiful out of them!
Afterwards, we will donate your creations to organizations that help the homeless. This is our way of working for a sustainable and socially just world.

As a bonus, during this free workshop you will also learn how to use a sewing machine. Prior knowledge is not required. The workshop starts at 14:00 and lasts 2 hours. Only 15 spots are available, so be quick and register via this form!

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