Health care and insurance

It is important for students travelling to UHasselt from a non-EEA country, to check all the information about insurance below.

Mandatory Health Insurance: Mutuality (CM)

Students enrolled for more than 3 months, having no other mutuality cover in Belgium, must first register with CM. You will receive the necessary documents during the orientation days or you can go to the office in Diepenbeek:

Kerklaan 6/1
3590 Diepenbeek

You can also register on their website.

Once you have registered with CM, you will receive yellow identification stickers at your student address. The yellow identification stickers are to be affixed to all refund application documents you send to the health insurance fund.

Health insurance on average covers approximately 75% of medical bills. Some (critical) medical expenses are fully refunded. In Belgium, you are free to choose your care provider. Doctors can either be in private practice or attached to a hospital. Most doctors in Belgium speak English fairly well. You will have to pay the fee immediately after the consultation. A list of doctors near the campuses can be found in the Welcome Guide.


AON is a comprehensive insurance which is mandatory for all non-EEA students studying at Hasselt University. Detailed information on the content of AON International Student Insurance, as well as full registration info can be found on the AON website.

Students staying 1 semester
Students staying for less than 6 months choose the option 'ICS Complete'. This covers all your eligible costs at a monthly fee of 40 EURO.

Students staying a full academic year
Students staying for more than 6 months choose the option 'ICS Complete' for all days before October. This covers all your eligible costs at a monthly fee of 40 EURO. Then they should start a second insurance period and choose the option 'ICS Start+' for the rest of the stay (25 EURO/month).
Meanwhile they should also enroll with a mutuality (e.g. CM, see above). This latter membership starts on October 1st and costs an additional 8 EURO/month.

How to obtain a refund? 
If you need to obtain a refund from your AON insurance, please consult their website.

More information

So, in short:

1: Take AON insurance (ICS complete) from the day you travel to Belgium till October. This is needed for the visa process.
2: Take on the additional AON (ICS start) to complement your CM insurance from October till the rest of your stay (Optional but highly recommended)
3: Take cm health insurance. This can be done once you are in Belgium, The university will help you with this during the orientation days.


Civil liability: This is if you intentionally or even mistakenly injure someone or damage someone's property. If Medical and hospital costs ensue, these are not or only partly covered in the mandatory health insurance. A lot of students are not aware of this and it can have big financial implications!

This can be solved by taking the AON student insurance mentioned above.

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