On Saturday December 11th 2021 Field Research Centre UHasselt, Nature and Forest of the Flemish Government and National Park Hoge Kempen invite you to the fourth edition of the annual information day on research in and around the National Park Hoge Kempen.
This event has already taken place.
On Saturday December 11th 2021 Field Research Centre UHasselt, Nature and Forest of the Flemish Government and National Park Hoge Kempen invite you to the fourth edition of the annual information day on research in and around the National Park Hoge Kempen.
09.30 Welcome
10.00 Welcome by Prof. Dr. Natalie Beenaerts, UHasselt
10.05 Ecotron University Hasselt: update research (Prof. Dr. François Rineau and Prof. Dr. Nadia Soudzilovskaia, UHasselt)
10.25 ICOS UAntwerp (Dr. Marilyn Roland, UAntwerpen)
10.45 Colonization of young heathland by invertebrates: a plot experiment (Jasper Roussard, Master student University of Antwerp)
11.05 Break
11.30 Monitoring of groundwater and soil moisture in the Hoge Kempen National Park (Dr. Nathalie Cools, Instituut Natuur- en Bosonderzoek)
11.50 Effectiveness of management agreements for field and meadow birds (Dr. Ruben Evens, VLM, UAntwerpen, UHasselt)
12.10 Towards several National Parks in Flanders (Stefan Thiels, Natuur en Bos)
12.30 Final
This event is for free, but registration is required. !!Presentations will be held in Dutch!!